OK In assignment you need to create the letters of your name, using backgrounds, landscapes, food and people. When you make the letters you need to have at least 15 letters, if your first and last name don't equal 15 use your middle name. Make sure when making each letter that you use different fonts for each letter. When they are done put the letters into a table Table Generator and your done.
Photoshop is an image editing software developed and manufactured by Adobe Systems Inc. Photoshop is considered one of the leaders in photo editing software. The software allows users to manipulate, crop, re size, and correct color on digital photos. The software is particularly popular amongst professional photographers and graphic designers.
From http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/Photoshop.html
I have used most of them but not all because I do not know what they are for.
Ctrl-n = Start a new project
Ctrl-p = Print
Ctrl-while using another tool = Allows you to move the image
Ctrl-z = Undo the image
Ctrl-k = Opens the preference screen
When using your blog you need to be active, post quality posts and be a head of the class. Using a blog can be a challenge if you don't even have a blog and writing one is fun because then you know anyone can read and/or learn from me or my classmates.
In the layout section I have done many things to my blog to personalize it. Like the Zombie.
I have made a table and put pictures into it.
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